The double hane can have many purposes, it can be used to attack, to make sabaki, to defend and to kill. In this episode we show a range of different examples all involving the double hane technique.
Watch (13 minutes) ReadWhen seeing these thick nobis for the first time they might look very slow. But they are often good shape and prevent the opponent from making good shape.
Watch (12 minutes) ReadA game between Go Seigen and Takagawa Kaku is the subject of this episode in a new format. Level: 6k to 5d
Watch (22 minutes)The nose tesuji is a common technique, but can also be very hard to find in some situations. Let's have a look at some examples!
Watch (12 minutes) ReadYoung-sun shows us the aji which can still be exploited after six popular josekis have been played out.
Watch (19 minutes) ReadThe Dutch championships is a tough tournament, with 8 rounds of games, played during two weekends. Merlijn Kuin 6D and Zeno van Ditzhuijzen 5D both ended with 7 points. A playoff was necessary to decide the winner. Let's see the final game!
Watch (27 minutes) ReadThis move is also possible and again leads to many interesting variations.
Watch (10 minutes) ReadA review of the first few moves of a game between 2 shodans. Sometimes it's better to give up on a stone than to carry it with you through the rest of the game. Level: 5k to 3d
Watch (14 minutes) ReadIn which we have a look at a difficult joseki which can lead to severe fighting variations. Probably you do not want to memorize this, but appreciate the fighting!
Watch (15 minutes) ReadOne year ago BadukMovies published its first episode. To celebrate we put empty triangles in cookie jars and have a look at one space tesuji magic! Level: 10k to 5d
Watch (20 minutes) Read
An empty triangle is the typical example of bad shape. Good empty triangles are the typical example of the Japanese term "Guzumi", which means bad shape, but good move. Let's have a look at some Guzumi!
Drawing made by the Empty Triangle
This sticky move has been popular for a while, especially in Korea. And they stick with it and innovate and perfect it even more.
Watch (14 minutes) ReadTopics: Cat in tree, burning house, giraffes and a plant called Hanky. Oh and some baduk. Level: 6k to 2d
Watch (11 minutes) ReadTodays topics: A joseki for influence, a surprising invasion and a powerful keima.
Watch (12 minutes) ReadPart 2 of 3. In which we explore more variations after the splitting move we have seen in part 1 of this series.
Watch (11 minutes) ReadMost of you will know this jeongseok (joseki). But how to continue after the joseki has been played? There are many follow-up moves to explore. Level: 20k to 5d
Watch (18 minutes) ReadIn this first of three episodes Cho Hye Yeon 9p shows us popular openings which are played by professionals these days.
Watch (12 minutes) Read"Invade a moyo one move before it becomes territory". Or invade a castle before the walls get too high. Let's see how to invade this particular position.
Watch (13 minutes) ReadWe travel to Turkey! To be more specific: to Ankara, where we will discuss a game from the Alpar Kılınç tournament. This tournament is held yearly in memory of the first go player in Turkey. Level: 10k to 2d
Watch (19 minutes) ReadIn which we have a look at 3 professional games with some very special moves in them.
Watch (21 minutes) Read