Flatten your opponent with a steamroller. Both Magnetron and Thor posses these mighty devices. Be careful not to become a pancake! Level: 2k to 5d
Watch (15 minutes) ReadNew innovations in one of the most often played josekis. Test your opponent first before playing a slow, but steady, joseki move. Level: 4k to 5d
Watch (11 minutes) ReadInvade the grand Chinese moyo by hugging and embracing it. Level: 3k to 5d
Watch (8 minutes) ReadThis surprising invasion is powerful. When answered correctly it leads to a huge ko. So be sure to have some ko threats in reserve! Level: 5k to 4d
Watch (9 minutes) ReadMushrooms sprout from the ground, and so did Ke Jie. What a man! The golden chicken witnessed it all. Level: 5k to 4d
Watch (15 minutes) ReadCongratulations to Ryan Li, the fourth AGA professional! Here he plays against Matthew Burrall in the Pro Qualification Championship, Round 1. Level: 6k to 4d
Watch (27 minutes) ReadThis strange looking shimari is a favourite pattern of Mok Jin Seok. It invites your opponent to dive in, but a tough fight will await him! Level: 5k to 4d
Watch (12 minutes) ReadGo Seigen passed away this year at the respectable age of 100. As an ode to this master player, Merlijn Kuin - multiple times Dutch champion - reviews one of his games against Takagawa Kaku in front of a live audience. The video stops at move 99. More commentary can be found in the sgf-file. Level: 5k to 5d
Watch (about 1 hour) ReadThrowing a ninja star at your opponent might seem rude. This modern opening has been played by top professional players though and will suit you well if you are a strong ninja fighter! Level: 5k to 4d
Watch (23 minutes) ReadWang Chenxing continues to surprise us and has worked out a new fuseki for her last tournament. Level: 5k to 4d
Watch (22 minutes) ReadIn which a very high and unusual fuseki is shown. You have to fight hard with these kind of fusekis! Level: 6k to 4d
Watch (18 minutes) ReadOur new teacher Park Young Woon shows us two interesting fusekis in which you have to be very careful not to be tricked. Creating miai is the key to success. Level: 7k to 4d
Watch (9 minutes) ReadAfter a strange looking low version of the Kobayashi opening you can gain an early advantage with the help of a tricky variation of a common joseki. Level: 5k to 4d
Watch (12 minutes) ReadGu Li is the master of the opening. Here we have a look at a few of his brilliant moments. Level: 5k to 4d
Watch (23 minutes) ReadAn interview with Young-sun Yoon. She shows her favourite opening and enjoys tennis more than chess. Level: 30k to 7d
Watch (14 minutes)Attacking a one space enclusure very early is a often seen handicap style move, but can also be played in even games. There are many tricks which can be tried to try and get a quick advantage. Level: 7k to 2d
Watch (17 minutes) ReadGermans and Dutchies alike love the simplicity but also the deep strategy behind the 3-3 point. (And ok, Ajax lost 5-1) Level: 10k to 2d
Watch (17 minutes) ReadThis attachment makes invading a Mini Chinese formation more enjoyable. Level: 5k to 3d
Watch (8 minutes) ReadPlaying all hoshi stones might look boring, but interesting battles can arise very quickly. Testing moves and counter-testing moves all over the place! Level: 6k to 2d
Watch (12 minutes) ReadPark Junghwan also plays in the Chinese A league, here we see him in action against Chen Yaoye. Level: 5k to 5d
Watch (17 minutes) Read