Together with his friend and rival Go Seigen, Kitani Minoru developed the Shin-fuseki ('New fuseki'). Famous as a go player as well as a go teacher, Kitani is also known for his trademark josekis. This week we look at one of his games against Sakato Eio in which he shows his special joseki choices.
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On 30 July 2012 by Yo
Amazing game.
On 03 August 2012 by Dan
NIce review. There's one Kitani move that I sometimes play for fun in my games. When You have komoku and you are high approached, you can play a bump at the star point to prevent the avalance joseki ^^
On 14 October 2012 by pluspy
Very nice but let me make a minor rectification: Yasunari Kawabata got the Nobel Prize not for "The Master of Go" but for some other novels (namely "Snow Country", "Thousand Cranes", "The Old Capital").
On 25 July 2014 by radan