baduk Cho vs Takemiya
Episode #146 - 10 June 2014 - 5 comments

Cho vs Takemiya By Young-sun Yoon 8p

A very typical game between Cho Chikun and Takemiya Masaki. Cho goes for territory while Takemiya sets up a moyo with his sanrensei. Level: 7k to 3d

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Thank you for this great Game Review! It is a very interesting style, to have 2 options available in the most situations. I think it is very important to estimate points in the game, for finding better moves, but sometimes i don't know how to estimate open position or groups that still can be invaded. Maybe you could do some videos for this kind of topic. The basics of counting and some advanced methods for skilled players.

On 11 June 2014 by Robert P.

Very Nice episode guys! Great to see Moyo vs. Territorial pros at work!

On 11 June 2014 by Tom

I learned a lot of interesting moves here! It's pretty long but enjoyable and enough to understand what's happening. Thank you!

On 06 July 2014 by goBum

Tks for the video... as I love SanRenSei. Very teachable. Just one critics/correction as there is a little mistake in the introduction of this video. The review is not from a game being played in 1980. What Young-Sun Yoon is reviewing documents the 2nd game (of 7 in total) from the finals being played in January and February 1985 for the 9th Kinsei... You find all SGFs of these 7 games here: In 1980 Takemia Masaki and Cho Chikun played some different games, e.g. for the 35th Honinbo League, 3rd JAA Cup, 13th Hayago Championship and the 5th Meijin League. Keep going your good work in 2015 :-)

On 21 January 2015 by JayR (aka LinuxGooo)

Thank you very much for the explanation and the teaching. I am only 10k and this game is very impressing.

On 29 January 2015 by Christian K.
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