weiqi Magnetron and the crane's nest
Episode #173 - 17 November 2014 - 2 comments

Magnetron and the crane's nest By Cho Hye Yeon 9p

Cho Hye Yeon plays against the god of endgame Park Yeonghoon. Magnetron watches and is all in for some electrifying cooking. Level: 5k to 4d

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Great video. I wish I understood all of the inside jokes though! And Kim's screeching at the crane's nest scared my dog.

On 18 November 2014 by mhl

I enjoyed it too, but couldn't understand why Kim started speaking with a Zuid Afrikaan accent halfway through. You'll need to explain some of these jokes or cut them out so as to avoid confusing people.

On 07 February 2015 by Tammy
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